
Pink dolphin

Do you know pink dolphin? they looks like very cute!
Brazilian say, "Boto" Let me introduce Boto. they inhabit the Amazon River of south America. Amazon indians think that they is their god, so they never kill them. they live in deep and clean water. The adult male is 2.4m in length and weight about 180kg. On the other hand, the adult female is 2.1m in length and weight 140kg.

Boto like shallow lake and forest and also like the human, so they don't be afraid of playing human.
Today, Amazon River have developed since many farms was built and modern civilization had to infiltrate this place, so there lose their home and the water become dirty. They are threatened by develpoment project in Amazon. Although they have long to live, they breed slowly. If they are increasing to more deaths, the population of Boto is drastically reduced. We should protect our friend and I hope that we are more and more cared about Bot.

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