

Today, I'm very surprised that Otter is dangerous animal, so we rarely see a wild atter and can see them in an aquarium.  their body is very flexble when they are swiming. They live in river which is arounding reed. They like rock cod and  cave. their weight is 5 ~ 14kg and their lengh is 570 ~ 700mm. their body are long  and slender. Also they have  long tail. The otter is one of the smallest marine mammals.

This picture is baby Otter. young Otter have bright gray fur (털). As gone time, they become dark gray.  The main reason that Otter is endangered species is fur product and  water pollution. Today, only about 1,000~2,000 sea otters are living in the wild. But Otter used to live all over the world.

They are very good wimmers and they spend a lot of time in water. Usually they eat while swimin on backstroke. All otters have a voracious appetite.

Do you see the Bonobono? Bonobono is otter in this animation. Bonobono always take a clam. Otter eat  a fish,clam, and insect. they almostly eat  fishes because they are a carnivorous animal.   

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