
Animal become endangered.

It is a truth taht " there is increasing endangered species in the world."

Why is animal becoming dangerous?  The main reason is that the human is a selfish behavior such as developing the environment and hunting animals. Human only think about material needs. The more animals are more and more dangerous, the more human are dangerous. Threrfore, we should live with together animal in the world.

Manchurian black bear

Where you aware that Manchurian black bears in Korea are on the verge of extinction? As a matter of fact, they are protected as natural monument NO.329. Also they are ptotected by the world. They live in Korea. Chaina. This  cutelooking bear got its name for the white marking that are found on its chest. their standard length is  120~180cm and weight  65 ~150kg. The have a good sense of smell and hearing and prefer to plants especially fruit and acorn (도토리). They like climbing a tree. 


Platypus live in  Eeat of Australis.  They dig a cave arounding river. The Platypus, it is a peculiar mixture. They are mixed ducks and racoon (너구리).  The scientists discovered that this ancient platypus had teeth, so they have lived a long time ago.

Their length is 30 ~40cm amd tail of length is 10 ~14cm, weight 1 ~ 1.8kg. Their body is chunky as well as their leg. Also they have five toes on their webbed feet. They eat insect, earthwoem, clam and crawfish (가재) and then  save cheek pouch (볼주머니) like squirrel.

This is amazing that they lays white eggs which looks like a grape. Baby platypus leave until four months. 

They are becoming dangerous animal due to climate change and environmental pollition. I  heared that a Canadian ear them but this is wrong behavior I think that we shoul stop to eat them and protect them because they are more and more low going down.  

I'm surprised that they are very fast moving on the land as well as under wather although they have chubby body.



Today, I'm very surprised that Otter is dangerous animal, so we rarely see a wild atter and can see them in an aquarium.  their body is very flexble when they are swiming. They live in river which is arounding reed. They like rock cod and  cave. their weight is 5 ~ 14kg and their lengh is 570 ~ 700mm. their body are long  and slender. Also they have  long tail. The otter is one of the smallest marine mammals.

This picture is baby Otter. young Otter have bright gray fur (털). As gone time, they become dark gray.  The main reason that Otter is endangered species is fur product and  water pollution. Today, only about 1,000~2,000 sea otters are living in the wild. But Otter used to live all over the world.

They are very good wimmers and they spend a lot of time in water. Usually they eat while swimin on backstroke. All otters have a voracious appetite.

Do you see the Bonobono? Bonobono is otter in this animation. Bonobono always take a clam. Otter eat  a fish,clam, and insect. they almostly eat  fishes because they are a carnivorous animal.   


Lesser Panda

Do you know Kung Fu Panda which is a movie?  There is a charater that is Lesser Panda in the movie.  In fact, almost people like and love Lesser Panda. They have defferent color such as ear and tail but their body is brown color. Also they have big round eyes.

They belong to the raccon (너구리) and bear family. their habitat is a range from Eest of  himalaya to West of China. their tail is 30 ~ 50 cm long and they weight 3 ~ 4.5kg. they paly and sleep in a tree and  rock. They can climb a tree quickly. Mostly they eat fruit and plant.

Lesser Panda is quite a docile, tractable animal. But they dislike that someone touch them. They are a nocturnal animal, so they sleep on a tree in the daytime and then they come down in the night. The funny thing is that they can be the biped (=erect) position. This positon looks like human when  seen from a distance.

We can see Lesser Pande in the Seoul Grand Park in Korea. they are listed on endangered animal, so the number of them disappear in the world. Therefore, we need to interest them and should try to protect them for next generation. 

Harp Seal

You may be seeing the animal. this animal's name is Harp Seal. I love them. they have black and big eyes and clear white fur(털). their fur is shor,dense and silky. They live in the Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. Harp Seal which is baby has white fur but as time passed, they become gray fur. Adult of Harp Seal is 1.67 m and weight 115~118kg. They usally live during 30years.

However,cute and like babyish Harp Seal are dangerous because a poacher insensately kill them. people ues mink stole and omega-3 from them, so they be used for commercial purpose. I'm really sad thin situation. people should stop to kill them and do not touch them.

They have chubby bady and gazelle-eyed, so I feel that they looks like baby. Many people love them and then there is fan cafe about them. You may wonder that they are named "Harp seal."  Because when they grow up, theri fur(털) become to having harp's pattern on the bady.

They don't run away when people come to them. Because they aren't afraid of men. So a poacher can be easy to kill them. a poacher beat sb to death and somtime Harp seal were flayed alive. This action is so cruel.

Why are you having to wear a mink coat? and why are you having to eat Omaga-3? We think about their pain. We can live without a mink coat and Omaga-3. We have to replace other way for Harp Seal in danger of extinction.


Irrawaddy Dolphin

Irrawaddy dolphin live in north of Australia and south of Asia. Today, they disappear and only a very small minority of Irrawaddy dolphin is living in the Mekong( River). they is one of the most danderous animal.

This dolphin is saied "Irrawaddy dophin." They are really attractive and lovely because their features have saprking eyes and smileing mouth. Also they can do tricks. their length are from 2.2 to 2.7 m and weight 130 kg. They do not seem but they are the member of dolphin family. They are closely allied to arampus(범고래).

This story is thruth that when a shark attack the man, Irrawaddy dolphins help the men from shark. Usually They like and have a good felling the men.