
Harp Seal

You may be seeing the animal. this animal's name is Harp Seal. I love them. they have black and big eyes and clear white fur(털). their fur is shor,dense and silky. They live in the Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. Harp Seal which is baby has white fur but as time passed, they become gray fur. Adult of Harp Seal is 1.67 m and weight 115~118kg. They usally live during 30years.

However,cute and like babyish Harp Seal are dangerous because a poacher insensately kill them. people ues mink stole and omega-3 from them, so they be used for commercial purpose. I'm really sad thin situation. people should stop to kill them and do not touch them.

They have chubby bady and gazelle-eyed, so I feel that they looks like baby. Many people love them and then there is fan cafe about them. You may wonder that they are named "Harp seal."  Because when they grow up, theri fur(털) become to having harp's pattern on the bady.

They don't run away when people come to them. Because they aren't afraid of men. So a poacher can be easy to kill them. a poacher beat sb to death and somtime Harp seal were flayed alive. This action is so cruel.

Why are you having to wear a mink coat? and why are you having to eat Omaga-3? We think about their pain. We can live without a mink coat and Omaga-3. We have to replace other way for Harp Seal in danger of extinction.


  1. This is really crule. Who would do such a thing?

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