

Platypus live in  Eeat of Australis.  They dig a cave arounding river. The Platypus, it is a peculiar mixture. They are mixed ducks and racoon (너구리).  The scientists discovered that this ancient platypus had teeth, so they have lived a long time ago.

Their length is 30 ~40cm amd tail of length is 10 ~14cm, weight 1 ~ 1.8kg. Their body is chunky as well as their leg. Also they have five toes on their webbed feet. They eat insect, earthwoem, clam and crawfish (가재) and then  save cheek pouch (볼주머니) like squirrel.

This is amazing that they lays white eggs which looks like a grape. Baby platypus leave until four months. 

They are becoming dangerous animal due to climate change and environmental pollition. I  heared that a Canadian ear them but this is wrong behavior I think that we shoul stop to eat them and protect them because they are more and more low going down.  

I'm surprised that they are very fast moving on the land as well as under wather although they have chubby body.

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